Telehealth use has dropped from its peak in 2020, but remains significantly higher than pre-COVID levels. The MedBen Analytics chart below shows telehealth activity for MedBen’s total client block from January 2020 through June 2021.

Mood and anxiety disorders, depression and other mental health conditions have accounted for over half of telehealth diagnoses throughout the past year. In 2020, telehealth represented 5.4% of total office visits, compared to just 0.04% in 2019.
MedBen’s utilization trend corresponds with national activity. According to a new McKinsey & Company study, U.S. telehealth use has stabilized at levels 38 times higher than before the pandemic.
You can review telehealth utilization for your plan by accessing MedBen Analytics and selecting the COVID-19 Impact Dashboard. To set up your account, please contact Marketing Analyst Morgan Hardy at