Fair Market Reimbursement Yields 56% Discount Average for MedBen Clients
MedBen clients who used Fair Market Reimbursement in 2024 yielded a discount average of 56% with an appeals rate of just 0.23%. MedBen's Fair Market Reimbursement combines the best aspects of PPOs and reference-based pricing by evaluating all types of claims to...
Healthy Gums Just as Important as Healthy Teeth
Teeth get all the attention, but maintaining a healthy set of gums is just as essential to better health... and not only oral health, but overall health as well. Regular dental checkups, as those available through MedBen PreceDent, play a crucial role in keeping...
Benefits of Colonoscopies Over At-Home Screenings
At-home colon cancer screening tests have grown increasingly popular due to their convenience and non-invasiveness. However, colonoscopies remain the gold standard for colon cancer screening – which is why MedBen WellLiving programs typically recommend them every...
Benefit Preservation Helps Lower Specialty Drug Spend
High-cost specialty drugs can make up more than 60% of a health plan's pharmacy costs. MedBen Rx's benefit preservation program is designed to make certain that members have continued access to medications while reducing specialty drug spend to the greatest extent...
JPMorgan Sued for Allowing Inflated Drug Prices through its PBM
Current and former employees are suing the financial services firm JPMorgan for allowing inflated drug prices through its partnership with pharmacy benefits manager (PBM) CVS Caremark. The plaintiffs claim that poor PBM oversight led to unnecessarily high prescription...
End of GLP-1 Shortages Puts New Pressure on Self-funded Plans
The end of shortages on Ozempic, Wegovy, and other semaglutide injections could place added pressure on self-funded health plans to cover the costs of the high-priced medications. On February 21, the FDA confirmed that the supply of GLP-1 drugs used to treat obesity...
MedBen Connect Introduces New Feature Specifically for Plan Administrators
MedBen Connect's leading-edge health care navigation app for plan members has just introduced a new feature specifically for plan administrators – a Data Insights Dashboard. Powered through HealthJoy, the dashboard takes data collected from the...
Member Reminder: FSA Grace Period Ends Soon
If your health plan offers a grace period for using 2024 flexible spending account (FSA) funds, remind your members that any remaining funds must be used by March 15, 2025. After that date, any unused money will be lost... but claims submitted before March 15 will...
Are Avoidable ER Visits Affecting Your Plan Costs?
For MedBen clients in 2024, 15% of emergency room visits were potentially avoidable… typically for conditions that could have been better managed in a more cost-effective setting. A visit to an urgent care facility or family doctor can save a plan member, on average,...
Need to Submit a RxDC Report? MedBen Has You Covered
As you may recall, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (CAA) requires group health plans to submit to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services information about prescription drugs and health care spending. This data submission is called RxDC (for...
Save the Date for the MBU Employer Roundtable on April 9!
The 24th season of MedBen University (MBU) is in session! MBU will be conducting an Employer Roundtable on Wednesday, April 9... so take a moment to save the date! Topics to be covered at the roundtable include: A review of industry cost benchmarks and benefit cost...
Don’t Skip Your Flu Shot this Season
Even though the 2024-25 flu season has been underway for several months, DON'T skip your flu shot! Physicians recommend that almost everyone over the age of six months old get vaccinated – and it's particularly critical for high-risk individuals such as young...