Only about 10% of plan members have opted for electronic explanation of benefits (EOBs) through MedBen Access, but making the switch offers advantages beyond saving paper (though that’s certainly a plus). By using MedBen Access online or through the mobile app, members can enjoy several key benefits:
- Instead of waiting for a paper EOB to arrive in the mail, members who choose electronic EOBs receive an email notification as soon as the EOB is ready for download, on the same day it’s posted to MedBen Access.
- Members have access to electronic EOBs from both the current and previous calendar years, all available for download.
- Electronic EOBs also provide an easy way for members to submit documentation for FSA or HRA reimbursements, a feature available on both MedBen Access online and mobile platforms.
If members later decide they want to return to receiving paper EOBs, they can simply update their preferences on MedBen Access.
MedBen has created a “Make the Switch to Electronic EOBs” flyer that clients may request from their Account Management team and distribute to their employees. If you have any questions about switching to electronic EOBs or any MedBen Access feature, contact your Account Management team.