Pharmacist filling prescriptionMedBen Rx Advocate clients were able to realize an average savings of 14.8% per employee in 2019 compared to traditional pharmacy plans. These savings are due in large part to our “cost plus” pricing model, and flexible and lowest net cost-driven formularies. Only through MedBen Rx Advocate can you achieve our level of commitment to pricing transparency.

The transparency of MedBen Rx Advocate ensures that your pharmacy plan isn’t geared toward PBM profits or confusing mark-ups and discounts, but toward clear-cut, demonstrable cost savings for you and your plan members.

If you’re not using MedBen Rx Advocate to lower your pharmacy plan costs, we encourage you to contact our Sales and Marketing department and ask for a free no obligation Rx spend analysis. Please call toll free at 888-627-8683 or email V.P of Sales & Marketing, Brian Fargus at