MedBen Connect’s leading-edge health care navigation app for plan members has just introduced a new feature specifically for plan administrators – a Data Insights Dashboard.

Powered through HealthJoy, the dashboard takes data collected from the app – member engagement for services such as provider & facility recommendations, telemedicine visits, medical bill reviews, and virtual MSK therapy – and translates that data into a user-friendly online platform. Interactive charts enable plan administrators to see:

  • Benefits usage: The services members are engaging with, how they are engaging, and what their needs are.
  • Cost containment: Where you can realize savings on the most utilized services.
  • Complete ROI: The financial impact that the services are having on your investment.

To get more information about the Data Insights Dashboard and other ways that MedBen Connect can benefit your health plan, call MedBen Marketing at 888-627-8683.