“A lot about someone’s overall health can be observed just by looking in their mouth,” says dentist and author Dr. Kami Hoss. “In fact, over 100 systemic conditions and many medications can have oral manifestations. This means that what happens in the mouth can often be a window into broader health issues, helping to identify problems before they escalate.”

Hoss and other dental professionals shared things they’ve learned through a simple dental checkup, including:

If Your Diet Is High in Certain Foods and Drinks. “Erosion and decay on teeth can reveal a lot about someone’s diet, with high consumption of sugary foods and beverages typically leading to cavities, while acidic foods and drinks, like citrus and soda, can cause enamel erosion,” said cosmetic dentist Dr. Kevin Sands.

If You Have Diabetes. “Imbalances in sugar may also result in a rapid change in the health of your gums, showing up as increased swelling, bleeding and sensitivity,” said Dr. Erin Fraundorf, an orthodontist. “Diabetic patients have a higher prevalence of gum disease.”

If You’re Deficient in Vitamins and Minerals. “Being deficient in vitamins and minerals may result in many oral conditions, like increased infections, burning tongue syndrome, sore tongue, cracked lips, tissue sloughing, delayed healing, bone infections, and gums that bleed easily,” Fraundorf said.

If You Have a Gastrointestinal Issue. “Persistent bad breath might indicate gastrointestinal issues such as GERD, where stomach acid damages teeth and soft tissues,” Hoss said. “The mouth can also reveal early signs of certain gastrointestinal diseases.”

If You’re Exhibiting Signs of Certain Cancers. “The mouth can also reveal early signs of certain cancers,” Hoss said. “For instance, signs of leukemia may present as gum overgrowth and bleeding. Oral manifestations like these can be critical for early diagnosis and treatment of serious conditions.”

Dental exams can also reveal if you have autoimmune disease, if you’re experiencing kidney, liver, or bone problems… or even if you’re pregnant. Read more at HuffPost.