Offering your plan members a flexible spending account (FSA) option is not only an effective way to help them lower their health care spend (qualified purchases are made using tax-free dollars), but by adding a MedBen debit card, it’s a convenient way to do it!
The debit card allows members to pay for qualified expenses at the point of service using their FSA funds. Pharmacies, physician offices, vision care providers, clinics and hospitals nationwide honor the card.

Employers and employees alike benefit through the debit card:
- For employers, the card’s ease of use results in increased participation rates and higher employee contributions.
- For employees, the biggest benefit is ease of use – simply present the card when making a qualified purchase. Because payments are made directly from the FSA, the employee doesn’t have to wait for reimbursement.
And a reminder: Members who use their debit card at FSA Store do not need to substantiate their purchases… and those purchases are automatically noted on their account balance. Here’s an FSA Store flyer with a discount code that you’re welcome to distribute to your members.
To get more information about MedBen FSAs or the MedBen debit card, contact MedBen Marketing at (888) 627-8683.