COVID-19 Resource Center
Here to Help.The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a rush of new federal and state laws to address the need for testing and treatment of the coronavirus, in addition to resulting issues from work and child care changes. Many of these rules directly affect MedBen clients, so it’s critical for group plan sponsors to understand their added responsibilities.
For your convenience, this Resource Center contains links to a range of useful COVID-19 information, as well as regulatory summaries prepared by MedBen.
MedBen clients with questions regarding the content of this page may contact MedBen Senior Vice President Caroline Fraker at 800-851-0907 or
Families First Coronavirus Response Act – H. R. 6201 (“FFCRA”)
- Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Stimulus Act – H. R. 748 (“CARES Act”)
- U. S. Department of Labor FFCRA Questions and Answers
- Department of Labor FFCRA Model Notice
- Department of Labor FFCRA Model Notice FAQs
- Department of Labor Temporary Rule – Paid Leave Under FFCRA
- Department of Labor FAQs Part 42: FFCRA and CARES Act Implementation
- Department of Labor FAQs Part 43: FFCRA and CARES Act Implementation
- Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) Extension of Certain Timeframes for Employee Benefit Plans Participants, and Beneficiaries Affected by COVID-19 Outbreak
- FFCRA Employer Paid Leave Requirements
- FFCRA Employee Paid Leave Rights
- Internal Revenue Service COVID-19-Related Tax Credits for Required Paid Leave Provided by Small and Midsize Businesses FAQs
- IRS Notice 2020-15 – COVID-19 HDHP Guidance
- IRS Notice 2020-29 – COVID-19 Guidance under § 125 Cafeteria Plans and Related to High Deductible Health Plans
- IRS Notice 2020-33 – Section 125 Cafeteria Plans – Modification of Permissive Carryover Rule for Health Flexible Spending Arrangements and Clarification Regarding Reimbursements of Premiums by Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangements
- MedBen COVID-19 Chart of Effective Dates
Ohio Department of Insurance Bulletin 2020-02 (Access to Coverage for Ohioans Impacted by the COVID-19 Virus)
- Ohio Department of Insurance Bulletin 2020-02 FAQs
- Ohio Department of Insurance Bulletin 2020-03 (Health Insurance Coverage Flexibility for Ohio Employers)
- Ohio Department of Insurance Bulletin 2020-03 FAQs
- Ohio Department of Insurance Bulletin 2020-05 (COVID-19 Testing and Treatment: Out-of-Network Coverage)
- Tennessee Executive Order Nos. 14, 15, 19, 20, and 24 (Suspending Provisions of Certain Statutes and Rules in Order to Facilitate the Treatment and Containment of COVID-19)
- Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance Bulletin 20-02 (COVID-19 Guidance to Health Carriers)
- Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance Bulletin 20-02 (COVID-19 Guidance to Carriers)
U. S. Department of Labor COVID-19 and the Family and Medical Leave Act Questions and Answers
- U. S. Department of Labor COVID-19 and the Fair Labor Standards Act Questions and Answers
- U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (CMS) FAQ on Essential Health Benefits Coverage and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) March 12, 2020
- U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (CMS) FAQ on Catastrophic Plan Coverage and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) March 18, 2020
- U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) – What You Should Know About the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and COVID-19
- Enforcement Discretion Under HIPAA To Allow Uses and Disclosures of Protected Health Information by Business Associates for Public Health and Health Oversight Activities in Response to COVID–19 (Interim Final Rules)
- COVID-19 FAQs for Participants and Beneficiaries
- Guidance and Relief for Employee Benefit Plans Due to the COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) Outbreak
- IRS Filing and Payment Deadlines Questions and Answers
Self-funding Saves. MedBen Delivers.
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MedBen Analytics' benchmarking capabilities enable you to compare your data against state and national norms and/or specific industries. You can narrow your benchmarks by plan type, number of lives and other metrics to get a true measure of how your plan stacks up.
Your benchmarking choice is immediately reflected on the dashboard content.

Straight RBP
Providers receive fair reimbursement by using Medicare pricing as the primary source of repricing. And because your plan no longer has a PPO, your plan members can go anywhere they choose for medical care.

Pharmacy Cost Plus Pricing
RBP for your prescription drugs.

Layered RBP
Target high-cost medical treatments, such as kidney dialysis.

An Extensive Reporting Library
Once you've chosen your population, reporting period and benchmark preferences, just sit back and watch MedBen Analytics go to work for you. Dozens of charts, graphs and tables, instantly generated. Our financial, clinical, risk and savings reports show you what is working with your plan while highlighting areas of potential improvement.
FSA Store is the largest online marketplace for guaranteed FSA-eligible products, helping flexible spending account holders manage and use their FSAs and save on more than 4,000 health items using tax-free money. You can pay for purchases using your MedBen FSA debit card so they are automatically noted on your account balance.
Use these convenient links for finding FSA-eligible products and calculating your FSA tax savings. FSA members can check their current account balances by visiting MedBen Access or downloading our mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play (search for "MedBen").
Use this secure 24/7 service portal to access claims and benefits information. MedBen Access enables you to:
- Check claims status
- Review benefit coverages
- Download explanations of benefits (EOBs)
- See deductibles, out-of-pocket costs and calendar maximums
- Look up drug information, compare local pharmacy prices and check availability of lower-cost equivalents
- Review FSA and HRA activity and balances
- Check wellness exam and screenings compliance (for WellLiving members)
If you need assistance logging in to MedBen Access or using its features, please contact MedBen Customer Service at 800-686-8425.
MedBen Access is also available as a mobile app with the same great features! Download it from the Apple App Store or Google Play (search for "MedBen").
Download the MedBen Client Report
Please register to download the Client Report. Thanks!
Frequently Asked Questions about using the debit card (PDF).
Download a list of participating pharmacies, discount stores and supermarkets that can identify FSA-eligible items at checkout using an Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS).
Download a list of participating pharmacies, discount stores and supermarkets that do not use IIAS, but 90% of whose sales come from medical care items (thus making them FSA-eligible).
Medical Solutions.
MedBen will work with your clients to find the best solution to meet specific employee population needs. Increasingly, organizations are going outside the PPO box and turning to direct-to-employer contracting, reference-based pricing, and other alternative reimbursement strategies with set pricing that makes it easier to predict expenses. And their members can visit the doctors they prefer and still realize lower out-of-pocket costs.

Pharmacy Solutions.
MedBen will work with your clients to find the best solution to meet specific employee population needs. Increasingly, organizations are going outside the PPO box and turning to direct-to-employer contracting, reference-based pricing, and other alternative reimbursement strategies with set pricing that makes it easier to predict expenses. And their members can visit the doctors they prefer and still realize lower out-of-pocket costs.
Medical Solutions.
MedBen will work with your clients to find the best solution to meet specific employee population needs. Increasingly, organizations are going outside the PPO box and turning to direct-to-employer contracting, reference-based pricing, and other alternative reimbursement strategies with set pricing that makes it easier to predict expenses. And their members can visit the doctors they prefer and still realize lower out-of-pocket costs.

Pharmacy Solutions.
MedBen Rx follows a simple philosophy: The client's money belongs to the client. Our pharmacy solutions are designed to get members the right drug at the lowest cost, with total transparency to the employer. These include:
- Pricing solutions that ensure clients pay just what the pharmacies pay.
- Appropriateness solutions to find the most effective drugs at the best cost.
- Access solutions that give members new ways to lower their drug cost.

Direct-to-Employer Contracting
Many MedBen clients blend their RBP plan with direct-to-employer (DTE) contracts, which promote the use of quality care through local providers. In exchange for encouraging members to visit contracted facilities, providers bill the plan at mutually agreed-upon rates.
MedBen has been facilitating DTE contracting for over a decade with doctors and hospitals across the Midwest, and we continue to gain access to more exclusive DTE contracting. This strategy ensures that when members utilize area providers, they receive the best pricing options available.
“The speakers were excellent along with topics that are important and at the forefront in our industry. Very good event!!!”
“Very happy with what I learned and I look forward to using my new knowledge immediately.”