Dec 20, 2023 | Benchmarks, Employer Dashboard, MedBen Analytics, Plan changes, Plan Design, Reporting
A reminder as 2023 comes to a close: MedBen Analytics offers 1) an interactive employer dashboard and 2) a variety of customizable, downloadable reports, enabling you to get actionable information about the past 12 months. The employer dashboard is actually two...
May 16, 2023 | Alternative Reimbursement Strategies, Announcements, Case Studies, Client Report, Client Services, Client Surveys, Communication, Compliance, Cost Plus Pricing, Cost Savings, Direct-to-Employer Contracting, Drug costs, Forensic claims review, HealthJoy, Inflation, Kurt Harden, MedBen Rx, MedBen WellLiving, Member engagement, Mobile App, Online Services, Own Use, Pharmacy, Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM), Plan Design, Plan Language, Prescription, Reference-Based Pricing, Regulatory, Rx Costs, Savings, Self-funding, Specialty Drugs, Supreme Court, Wellness
The 2023 MedBen Client Report is now available to download from! In his opening note, MedBen President Kurt Harden states: “This Client Report is designed to demonstrate ways that clients can generate greater value from their health plan. With health...
Apr 13, 2023 | Emergency Room (ER), MedBen Analytics, Plan Design, Reporting
MedBen Analytics offers a variety of customizable, downloadable reports to help you make informed decisions about changes to your plan. While there are dozens available to choose from, the most popular reports used by MedBen clients include: Utilization Metrics....
May 23, 2022 | Compliance, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), Plan Design, Plan Language, Regulatory
Over the last few years, your plan has likely been amended multiple times. Along with routine yearly plan modifications, your plan has been updated in order to comply with multiple federal and/or state mandates relating to COVID-19, such as the Coronavirus Aid,...
Apr 19, 2022 | Alternative Reimbursement Strategies, Ancillary services, Claims Management, Client Report, Online Services, Plan Design
In the 2022 MedBen Client Report, we focus on solutions – new ones and improvements to existing ones, all with an eye on producing enhanced service and bigger savings. We also share some of the results of our claims management, plan design and reimbursement...
Sep 15, 2021 | Announcements, Claims, MedBen Access, Online Services, Plan Design
MedBen Access has a new look! Our online services portal offers improved functionality and newly added quick-access icons, allowing users to access benefits and claims information with ease and convenience. When you go to the home page, you’ll immediately notice...