Mar 20, 2025 | Dental, MedBen PreceDent, Preventive Care, Wellness
Teeth get all the attention, but maintaining a healthy set of gums is just as essential to better health… and not only oral health, but overall health as well. Regular dental checkups, as those available through MedBen PreceDent, play a crucial role in...
Feb 15, 2024 | Blood pressure, Dental, Diabetes, Heart, Hypertension, MedBen PreceDent, Preventive Care
A recent list of list of dental “don’ts” identified nine things dentists say they never do… they don’t chew ice, they don’t use their teeth to open bags and bottles, they don’t smoke, and so forth. And the last dental “don’t” on the...
Aug 3, 2023 | Dental, MedBen PreceDent, Wellness
Just as establishing and maintaining a relationship with a family doctor is important to better personal wellness, so too is visiting the same dentist for regular checkups. HealthTechZone highlights the benefits of having a family dentist, including: Consistent And...
Apr 26, 2023 | Anniversaries, Announcements, Benchmarks, Hospital Service Association, MedBen PreceDent, MedBen Rx, Medical Benefits Administrators, Medical Benefits Mutual, VisionPlus
May 8, 2023 marks MedBen’s 85th anniversary of serving the health benefit needs of employers across the country. As such, it’s an opportune time to reflect, while also looking forward. MedBen’s growth over the decades has coincided with the evolution...
Apr 24, 2023 | Ancillary services, Dental, MedBen PreceDent, Research, Vision, VisionPlus, Wellness
Dental and vision benefits are often relegated to second-tier status in a health care plan, or not offered at all. But a quick look at the advantages of regular dentist and optometrist visits may give you a new respect for their value. Poor oral health is linked to...
Jul 8, 2022 | Dental, MedBen PreceDent, Preventive Care
If you’re one of the 100 million Americans who don’t visit their dentist every year, don’t put it off any longer. And if you haven’t added MedBen PreceDent fully-insured dental coverage to your benefits package… well, don’t wait any...