Sep 7, 2021 | Bundled Reports, MedBen Analytics, Online Services, Reporting
MedBen Analytics offers report bundling, an easy way to run multiple reports at once. Bundling combines all your selected reports into a single file, complete with a cover page and table of contents. It’s a particularly useful feature if you run the same group...
Jul 23, 2021 | MedBen Analytics, Mental Health, Preventive Care, Primary Care, Reporting, Telehealth, Trend
Telehealth use has dropped from its peak in 2020, but remains significantly higher than pre-COVID levels. The MedBen Analytics chart below shows telehealth activity for MedBen’s total client block from January 2020 through June 2021. Mood and anxiety disorders,...
Jun 28, 2021 | Alternative Reimbursement Strategies, Announcements, Case Studies, Client Report, Client Services, Coronavirus, Cost Savings, COVID-19, Customer Service, Direct-to-Employer Contracting, Employer Dashboard, Kurt Harden, MedBen Access, MedBen Analytics, MedBen Employees, MedBen Rx, MedBen WellLiving,, Mobile App, Online Services, Reference-Based Pricing, Third party administration
The 2021 MedBen Client Report is now available for download at In addition to detailing the ways that our clients are spending less on health care, this year’s Client Report highlights the priority MedBen places on client service: Members connect to...
May 27, 2021 | MedBen Analytics, Reporting
MedBen Analytics offers a variety of customizable, downloadable reports in addition to the employer dashboard. These reports incorporate predictive modeling that forecasts future activity, to help you make informed decisions about plan changes as we reach the mid-year...
May 4, 2021 | Alternative Reimbursement Strategies, Announcements, Client Report, COVID-19, Direct-to-Employer Contracting, Employer Dashboard, Health Plan Management, MedBen Analytics, MedBen Rx, MedBen WellLiving, Plan Design, Reference-Based Pricing, Rx Costs, Savings, Third party administration
In the 2021 MedBen Client Report, we look at how MedBen continues to provide superior service and cost savings regardless of circumstances. You will find examples of how MedBen delivers the best claims management, plan design and reimbursement strategies, expanded...
Apr 30, 2021 | COVID-19, Employer Dashboard, MedBen Analytics
The MedBen Analytics Employer Dashboard is actually three dashboards – Financial, Utilization, and COVID-19 – rolled into one. By choosing from the sidebar menu, you instantly generate interactive charts and graphs using your selected date ranges and benchmarks. With...