Feb 20, 2025 | Flu Shots, Influenza, Preventive Care, Wellness
Even though the 2024-25 flu season has been underway for several months, DON’T skip your flu shot! Physicians recommend that almost everyone over the age of six months old get vaccinated – and it’s particularly critical for high-risk individuals such as...
Nov 9, 2020 | COVID-19, Flu Shots, Influenza, Research, Wellness
Our current focus on COVID-19 doesn’t mean you should neglect getting a flu shot this year. A new study suggests the vaccine actually lowers your risk for being hospitalized if you get COVID-19. “COVID patients who had not received a flu vaccine within the...
Jan 24, 2020 | Influenza, Preventive Care, Primary Care, Wellness
Recent reports from the CDC show that the flu is still going strong in the United States and isn’t expected to slow down for at least several more weeks. This season’s vaccination is only a 58% match for the B strain of flu, but everyone is still encouraged to...
Aug 27, 2019 | Influenza, MedBen WellLiving, Wellness
The latest flu season lasted well into Spring, making it the longest in a decade… and it came on the heels of one of the deadliest. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2017-18 was the most severe flu season in nearly 40 years,...
Apr 20, 2019 | Influenza, Preventive Care, Uncategorized, Wellness
If you’ve made it safely though flu season so far, congratulations… but don’t let your guard down just yet. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an unexpected second viral wave has extended this flu season to 21 weeks, the longest in 10...
Jan 12, 2019 | Influenza, Research, Wellness
If you haven’t got a flu shot yet this season, do it soon! The Centers for Disease Control reports that flu activity has been on the rise of late, with 24 states reporting widespread influenza activity and 19 states reporting high levels of influenza-like illness...