Sep 5, 2023 | Alternative Reimbursement Strategies, Claims, Comparative Effectiveness, Cost Savings, Direct-to-Employer Contracting, Drug costs, Fair Market Pricing, Forensic claims review, High-cost claims, Inflation, MedBen Rx, MedBen WellLiving, Reference-Based Pricing, Rx Costs, Savings, Self-funding, Specialty Care, Survey, Wellness
A new survey by International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans found employers expect plan costs to increase seven percent in 2024. As to why, they gave a range of answers, with the top four reasons representing 71 percent of responses (see chart below). As it...
Jun 29, 2023 | Alternative Reimbursement Strategies, Cost Savings, Direct-to-Employer Contracting, Preferred provider organization (PPO), Savings
More self-funded employers are considering contracting directly with health systems and hospitals – and for good reason. Not only does direct-to-employer contracting offer better pricing than traditional PPOs, it offers advantages not found in other types of...
May 16, 2023 | Alternative Reimbursement Strategies, Announcements, Case Studies, Client Report, Client Services, Client Surveys, Communication, Compliance, Cost Plus Pricing, Cost Savings, Direct-to-Employer Contracting, Drug costs, Forensic claims review, HealthJoy, Inflation, Kurt Harden, MedBen Rx, MedBen WellLiving, Member engagement, Mobile App, Online Services, Own Use, Pharmacy, Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM), Plan Design, Plan Language, Prescription, Reference-Based Pricing, Regulatory, Rx Costs, Savings, Self-funding, Specialty Drugs, Supreme Court, Wellness
The 2023 MedBen Client Report is now available to download from! In his opening note, MedBen President Kurt Harden states: “This Client Report is designed to demonstrate ways that clients can generate greater value from their health plan. With health...
Apr 14, 2023 | Announcements, Client Report, Direct-to-Employer Contracting, Kurt Harden, MedBen Rx, Member engagement, Supreme Court
In the upcoming 2023 MedBen Client Report, we’ll be looking at some of the issues that affected our clients last year, and the ways we worked with them to find successful solutions to preserve or improve their benefits. “With health care inflation expected...
Mar 31, 2023 | Claims, Claims Management, Direct-to-Employer Contracting, Forensic claims review, MedBen University, Medical necessity, Roundtables
Contracting directly with a health system offers employers pricing control, member access to high-quality local care, and the flexibility to create multiple benefit options. At this year’s MedBen University roundtables, Regional Sales Director Brooke Hupp...
Mar 7, 2023 | Compliance, Direct-to-Employer Contracting, Inflation, MedBen University, Member engagement, Regulatory, Roundtables, Specialty Drugs, Supreme Court, Webinars
A reminder: MedBen University will soon be in session! Throughout March, MedBen University (MBU) will be conducting virtual employer roundtables. These free webinars will discuss current benefit management issues and proven solutions available your health plan,...