Aug 1, 2024 | Cost Savings, Debit Cards, Flexible spending accounts (FSAs), FSA Store, Health care costs, Health flexible spending account (FSA), Savings
Offering your plan members a flexible spending account (FSA) option is not only an effective way to help them lower their health care spend (qualified purchases are made using tax-free dollars), but by adding a MedBen debit card, it’s a convenient way to do it!...
Sep 14, 2023 | Consumer-driven Health Plans, Debit Cards, Flexible spending accounts (FSAs), FSA Store, IRS, Substantiation
Substantiating purchases made with a health flexible spending account (FSA) is crucial for ensuring eligibility for pre-tax status…so much so, that earlier this year the IRS released a memorandum stressing its importance. To make the process as straightforward...
Nov 29, 2022 | Debit Cards, Flexible spending accounts (FSAs), FSA Store, Mobile App, Online Services
In 2021, U.S. consumers spent $491 billion on out-of-pocket health care costs… but only $95 billion of those expenses were paid for with pre-tax dollars. For health plan members who have a flexible spending account (FSA) and aren’t taking full benefits of...
Aug 22, 2022 | Consumer-driven Health Plans, Debit Cards, Flexible spending accounts (FSAs), FSA Store, MedBen Access, Mobile App, Online Services
We’re nearly two-thirds of the way through 2022… so if your plan offers members a MedBen FSA debit card, it’s a good time to remind them about its benefits! When members use their card to pay for qualified purchases, they don’t have to...
Sep 5, 2019 | Debit Cards, Flexible spending accounts (FSAs), Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs)
Hard as it may be to believe, 2019 is two-thirds of the way over, and the holiday season will be here before we know it. Before things get too busy, now would be a good time to double-check your recent health care expenditures and see if you have any payments that...
Mar 22, 2019 | Debit Cards, Flexible spending accounts (FSAs), News, Online Services
Recent news that online retailer Amazon now allows consumers to use their flexible savings account (FSA) funds to buy medical items serves as a timely opportunity to remind FSA members that MedBen debit cards can be used to make online purchases in addition to buying...