May 5, 2019 | Cost Savings, MedBen Rx, MedBen Rx Advocate, MedBen Rx Alliance, Prescription
In an era where employer pharmacy plans routinely face annual double-digit cost increases, MedBen clients are seeing things differently. Employers who utilized MedBen pharmacy solutions in their 2018 plans realized an average 2.7% decrease in per-member spending from...
Apr 21, 2019 | Alternative Plan Design, Cost Savings, Direct-to-Employer Contracting, MedBen University, Municipalities, Prescription
“In 2018, per-employee net claim costs for our municipality block decreased 4.9% from 2017,” announced MedBen Vice President of Sales & Marketing Brian Fargus at the 13th Annual Municipality Roundtable on April 11. This reduced cost factors both...
Apr 5, 2019 | Cost Savings, Prescription
The ongoing movement to reduce prescription drug spending focuses primarily on the cost factor. But as Shannon Brownlee and Judith Garber contend in a Stat opinion piece, overprescribing of drugs also carries financial and health risks. “Between 2000 and 2012,...
Mar 8, 2019 | Cost Savings, MedBen Rx, MedBen Rx Advocate, MedBen Rx Alliance, Prescription
MedBen Rx offers employers a better way to provide and manage prescription benefits, regardless of their size or industry type. Our pharmacy solutions counter inflated prescription list prices with common-sense reimbursement methods. Self-funded employers can take...
Feb 23, 2019 | Cost Savings, MedBen Rx, Prescription, Rebates, Specialty Drugs, Transparency
A recent Wall Street Journal editorial warns that government efforts to address prescription drug prices could produce undesirable consequences… and it’s why MedBen Rx believes that market-driven solutions are the preferable method to reducing consumer costs. As...
Feb 22, 2019 | Announcements, Claims Management, Cost Savings, Third party administration
MedBen takes pride in its expert claim examiners – indeed, in our most recent audit our team received a payment accuracy rating of 99.9%. But when we receive a claim that merits further inspection, our advanced surveillance system lends a hand. Electronic surveillance...