By the Numbers: Your 2020 Health Plan Budget

Working on your 2020 health plan budget?  If so, you’ll want to keep the following limitations and penalties in mind.  The following apply as of the first day of your plan’s 2020 plan year: Standard Plan In-Network Out-of-Pocket Maximums $8,150 for self-only...

Get the MedBen Access Mobile App!

MedBen clients can now get detailed information about their health care coverage direct to their mobile device! Just search for “MedBen” in the iTunes or Google Play app store and download MedBen Access Mobile to your smartphone or tablet. When you log in, you’ll see...

Demystifying Coordination of Benefits

MedBen Customer Service Representatives are frequently asked questions about coordination of benefits from employees who have multiple health plans. To provide some clarity to this somewhat tricky topic, we’ve put together “Demystifying Coordination of Benefits”for...