Oct 17, 2022 | Client Feedback, Client Surveys, ISO, Quality
YOUR FEEDBACK! MedBen recently completed a successful ISO 9001 audit to confirm that stated quality objectives are being met… but even so, the most effective tool to ensure we meet your expectations is your feedback.If you haven’t yet filled out a MedBen Client...
Apr 1, 2022 | Client Feedback, Client Surveys, ISO, Quality
As you know, maintaining quality is all about listening to the voice of the customer. For MedBen to continue providing you with innovative service and solutions, we need your feedback!If you haven’t completed a MedBen Client Satisfaction Survey recently, we...
Jan 12, 2021 | Account Management, Claims Management, Client Feedback, Client Services, Client Surveys, Customer Service, ISO, MedBen Employees
Here are results from MedBen Client Satisfaction Surveys received in 2020 (rating averages based on a 1-to-5 scale): Medical claims accuracy and turnaround: 4.6 Rx claims accuracy and turnaround: 4.7 Timeliness in answering Customer Service calls: 4.7 Customer Service...
Jan 12, 2020 | Announcements, Client Feedback, Client Services, MedBen Employees
Last week, MedBen sent every client contact an e-mail requesting their feedback… and with good reason. Whether it be complimentary or critical, MedBen relies on your feedback to ensure that a benefits solution is working, to develop new or revamped services, or when...
Oct 18, 2019 | Client Feedback, ISO, News, Quality
As a MedBen client, your feedback is essential to helping us to maintain quality in everything we do. For that reason, when you fill out a MedBen Client Satisfaction Survey, we encourage you to share your thought with us. During our semi-annual ISO 9001 audits,...
Jun 29, 2019 | Claims Management, Client Feedback, Client Services, ISO, MedBen Employees, Quality
MedBen takes to heart the mission of being “the benefits partner that employers prefer.” That’s why we regularly send Client Satisfaction Surveys to our clients, asking for honest feedback about their experience with services provided. These surveys are studied and...