Aug 8, 2023 | Cancer, Chronic conditions, Claims, Cost Savings, Heart, High-cost claims, MedBen WellLiving, Savings, Stop-Loss
Cancer and heart disease account for 37% of total stop-loss claim reimbursements over the past four years. This demonstrates once again the importance of a wellness program to catch chronic conditions, and reduce the risk of high-cost claims, at their earliest stages....
Jul 20, 2023 | Cancer, Chronic conditions, MedBen WellLiving, News, Survey, WellCare, Wellness, Wellness exam, Wellness screenings
A new Aflac Wellness Matters survey found that about 1 in 4 employed adults in the U.S. skip regular checkups because they feel healthy, don’t have the time, or don’t like going to the doctor (among other reasons cited). Also, nearly half of adults said...
Nov 24, 2022 | Chronic conditions, Diabetes, MedBen WellLiving, Specialty Care
Consider these stats from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2022 National Diabetes Statistics Report: As of 2019, 37.3 million people (adults and children) have diagnosed diabetes (11.3% of the US population).96 million adults (aged 18 years or older)...
Sep 1, 2022 | Asthma, Cholesterol, Chronic conditions, Hypertension, Mental Health, Obesity, Wellness
High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and asthma are among the chronic health conditions affecting over half of young U.S. adults, according to new federal data.Researchers from the the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that nearly 54% of...
Mar 8, 2022 | Asthma, Cholesterol, Chronic conditions, Diabetes, Heart, Hypertension, MedBen WellLiving, Preventive Care, Wellness
Through a proactive wellness approach, MedBen WellLiving clients spend less per member on major chronic conditions than those who don’t use WellLiving (see chart below). Overall, WellLiving clients spent, on average, $822 less PEPY than non-WellLiving clients...