Apr 30, 2024 | Alternative Reimbursement Strategies, Biosimilars, Brian Fargus, Brooke Hupp, Caroline Fraker, Fair market reimbursement, Kurt Harden, MedBen Rx, MedBen University, Mental health parity, Municipalities, Nutrigenomics, Pharmacogenomics, Roundtables
At the 18th Annual MedBen University Municipality & Public Employer Roundtable on April 24, clients were shown how MedBen’s self-funding solutions are lowering medical and pharmacy spend while promoting healthier workplaces. Attendees were also introduced to...
Mar 20, 2023 | Brian Fargus, Claims, Claims Management, Inflation, MedBen University, Transplants, Wellness
At the MedBen Broker Roundtable on March 16, Vice President of Sales & Marketing Brian Fargus discussed the trend of rising multi-million-dollar claims, and offered a variety of proven solutions. Citing a recent Sun Life high-cost claims analysis, Fargus said,...
Dec 14, 2022 | Announcements, Brian Fargus, MedBen Employees, Sales
MedBen is pleased to announce the promotions of Brooke Hupp and Lindsay Lowe to Regional Sales Directors. As members of the MedBen Sales team, Hupp has served current and prospective clients in portions of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee since 2014, while Lowe has...
Sep 19, 2022 | Brian Fargus, Case management, Claims Management, Forensic claims review, Kurt Harden, MedBen Employees, News, Plan Language
MedBen President & CEO Kurt Harden and Vice President of Sales & Marketing Brian Fargus were featured speakers at the Sherrill-Morgan 9th Annual Healthcare Innovation Conference on September 13-14. The event brought together employers from Ohio, Kentucky and...
Nov 1, 2021 | Brian Fargus, Direct-to-Employer Contracting, Kurt Harden, MedBen Employees, News, Wellness
MedBen President & CEO Kurt Harden and VP of Sales & Marketing Brian Fargus were featured speakers at the Sherrill-Morgan 8th Annual Healthcare Innovation Conference on October 19-20. The event brought together employers from Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee to...
Apr 19, 2021 | Alternative Reimbursement Strategies, Brian Fargus, Direct-to-Employer Contracting, Government, MedBen Rx, MedBen University, MedBen WellLiving, Municipalities
“From 2016 to 2020, MedBen’s municipality block averaged a minimal 1% annual trend on total claims costs,” said MedBen VP of Sales & Marketing Brian Fargus at the MedBen University Virtual Municipality Roundtable on April 15. Over 75 clients and...