Get the MedBen Access Mobile App!

MedBen clients can now get detailed information about their health care coverage direct to their mobile device! Just search for “MedBen” in the iTunes or Google Play app store and download MedBen Access Mobile to your smartphone or tablet. When you log in, you’ll see...

MedBen Recognizes Employees

Each year, MedBen takes an afternoon to recognize employees and hosts a company-wide social event. At this year’s event on September 13, employees enjoyed a great lunch while honoring co-workers who reached anniversary benchmarks in 2019. Among those celebrating…...

2019 Client Report: Building Better Benefits Management

“2019 marks the 30-year anniversary of Medical Benefits Administrators (MBA). The third party administrator began as a subsidiary… but has grown into our signature enterprise” states Kurt Harden, President and CEO of MedBen, in the 2019 Client Report. Over those 30...