Mar 26, 2020 | Announcements, Caroline Fraker, Compliance, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Department of Labor, News, Regulatory
As MedBen has reported to you elsewhere on this blog, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) requires private employers with fewer than 500 employees and public employers with at least one (1) employee (a “Covered Employer”) to provide their employees...
Mar 24, 2020 | Announcements, Caroline Fraker, Compliance, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Kentucky, News, Ohio, State legislation
Earlier this month, the Governors of Ohio and Kentucky declared state emergencies that mandated self-funded public employers to make temporary changes to their health plans in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. MedBen’s summaries of these public employer...
Mar 23, 2020 | Announcements
Just a note that MedBen is open and available for all of our clients. We welcome your calls and emails and we are here to answer your questions. We look forward to meeting again in person. Stay safe everyone. We’re available during our regular hours of 8:00 a.m....
Mar 22, 2020 | Announcements, Compliance, Coronavirus, Regulatory
MedBen has prepared a downloadable summary of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) and how it affects self-funded health plans. The Act, which passed the Senate on March 18 and was signed into law by President Trump, defines employer responsibilities...
Mar 13, 2020 | Announcements, Kurt Harden, News, Plan Design, Plan Language, Prescription, Preventive Care
As we manage our way through this situation, I want to make sure you know that MedBen has made plans to ensure that we are available for our clients. Many of you and your associates will be even busier during the coming weeks, and we want to make sure that you don’t...
Mar 6, 2020 | Announcements, MedBen Rx, News, Prescription
With the novel coronavirus COVID-19 a constant topic in the news nowadays, many consumers are stocking up on various drugs. MedBen is recommending no change to the current prescription drug refill guidelines for our clients and here’s why: Most wholesalers have a good...