As our clients know, when you choose MedBen as your third party administrator, our dedicated Compliance Department performs a thorough check of your plan to ensure that it complies with applicable state and federal regulations. And our Compliance team continues to review your plan to ensure your plan’s compliance, particularly when legislative updates occur.

But internal changes in your organization can affect your plan too. Changes to employee policies, employee handbook revisions, and updates to collective bargaining agreements may require changes to your plan language. When circumstances like these arise, it’s a good idea to request a plan compliance review.

With a review, MedBen can help you be sure that your plan correctly coordinates with your other benefit offerings and internal employee policies. Not only does keeping language accurate ensure that your members get maximum value from your plan, you potentially save money by avoiding costly discrepancies.

Our Compliance team stays on top of legislative developments, so we understand how state and federal regulations affect you and your employees’ health benefits. We’ll work with you to make sure that issues specific to your members are addressed.

Best of all? The plan compliance review is available at no cost to you.

To schedule a review, just contact your Account Manager. And if you should ever have a question regarding plan compliance, contact our Compliance Department.